Jinming Wen
- Email: jinming.wen@mail.mcgill.ca, jinming518@gmail.com, jinmingwen1@163.com
- Postal Address:
105-Nanhai Building, Jinan University
601 Huangpu Road West
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Working Experiences
2018.09--, Professor, Jinan University2017.09--2018.08, Postdoc fellow, University of Toronto, working with Prof. Wei Yu
2016.09--2017.08, Postdoc fellow, University of Alberta, working with Prof. Chintha Tellambura
2015.03--2016.08, Postdoc fellow, CNRS, working with Prof. Damine Stehle and Prof. Gilles Villard
Education Background
2010.09--2015.02, Ph.D, McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Xiao-Wen Chang2008.09--2010.06, Ms.c, Jilin University
2004.09--2008.06, Bs.c, Jilin Institue of Chemical Technology
Research Topics
My research interests include lattice reduction, sphere decoding, and sparse and low-rank recovery. The relevant mathematics include statistical theory, applied linear algebra, convex optimization, and information theory.Academic Services
Associate Editor, IEEE Access, IET Quantum Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Wireless Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Wireless Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications: Wireless Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Wireless Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks Technical Program Committee Member, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (Spring): Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks Technical Program Committee Member, 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks Technical Program Committee Member, 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Wireless Communications Technical Program Committee Member, 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (Fall): Multiple Antenna Systems and Cooperative Communications
Journal Publications
45. Bingpeng Zhou, An Liu,Vincent Lau, Jinming Wen*,Shahid Mumtaz, Ali Kashif Bashir and Syed Hassan Ahmed. Performance Limits of Visible Light-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles: Time-Domain Localization Cooperation Gain, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 44. Shancheng Zhao, Jinming Wen*, Shahid Mumtaz, Sahil Garg and Bong Jun Choi, Spatially Coupled Codes via Partial and Recursive Superposition for Industrial IoT with High Trustworthiness, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 43. Zhigao Zheng, Tao Wang, Jinming Wen*,Shahid Mumtaz, Ali Kashif Bashir and Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Differentially Private High-Dimensional Data Publication in Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(2020), pp. 2640-2650. 42. Huangke Chen, Jinming Wen*, Pedrycz Witold and Guohua Wu. Big Data Processing Workflows Oriented Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm using Task-Duplication in Clouds, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 6(2020), pp. 131-144. 41. Shanxiang Lyu, Jinming Wen,Jian Weng and Cong Ling, On Low-Complexity Lattice Reduction Algorithms for Large-Scale MIMO Detection: The Blessing of Sequential Reduction IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,68(2020), pp. 257-269. 40. Huangke Chen, Ran Cheng, Jinming Wen, Haifeng Li and Jian Weng. Solving Large-Scale Many-Objective Optimization Problems by Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy with Scalable Small Subpopulations, Information Science, 509(2020), pp.457-469. 39.Yaxu Li, Jinming Wen, and Jun Xian. Reconstruction from convolution random sampling in local shift invariant spaces, Inverse Problems 35 (2019) 125008 (15pp). 38. Guofa Cai, Yi Fang, Jinming Wen, Shahid Mumtaz and Yang Song, "Multi-Carrier M-ary DCSK System with Code Index Modulation: An Efficient Solution for Chaotic Communications " IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,13(2019), pp. 1375-1386. 37. Qiao Tian, Yun Lin, Xinghao Guo Jinming Wen*, Yi Fang, Jonathan Rodriguez and Shahid Mumtaz, "New Security Mechanisms of High-Reliability IoT Communication Based on Radio Frequency Fingerprint " IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(2019), pp. 7980 - 7987. 36. Haode Yan, Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Weng, Jinming Wen, Tor Helleseth; Qi Wang. Differential spectrum of Kasami power permutations over odd characteristic finite fields, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(2019), pp. 6819-6826. 35. Fumin Zhu, Linmei Wang, Jinming Wen, Zunxin Zheng. Spectrum Analysis of Filtering Technologies in Management Networks and Wireless Systems, IEEE Network, 33(2019), pp. 42-47. 34. Guofa Cai, Yi Fang, Jinming Wen, Guojun Han, Xiaodong Yang. QoS-Aware Buffer-Aided Relaying Implant WBAN for Healthcare IoT: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE Network, 33(2019), pp. 96-103. 33. Jinming Wen and Xiao-Wen Chang. On the KZ Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(2019), 1921--1935. 32. Jinming Wen, Zhengchun Zhou, Zilong Liu, Ming-jun Lai and Xiaohu Tang. Sharp Sufficient Conditions for Stable Recovery of Block Sparse Signals by Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 47(2019), pp. 948-974. 31. Jinming Wen, Lanping Li, Xiaohu Tang, and Wai-Ho Mow. An Efficient Optimal Algorithm for the Successive Minima Problem, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(2019), 1424--1436. 30. Jinming Wen, Jian Weng, Chao Tong, Chao Ren and Zhengchun Zhou "Sparse Signal Recovery with Minimization of 1-Norm Minus 2-Norm " IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(2019), 6847 - 6854. 29. Jinming Wen, Jian Weng, Yi Fang, Haris Gacanin and Weiqi Luo. Novel Properties of Successive Minima and Their Applications to 5G Tactile Internet, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(2019), 3068 - 3076. 28.Honghong Yang, Jinming Wen*, Xiaojun Wu, Li He, Shahid Mumtaz. An Efficient Edge Artificial Intelligence MultiPedestrian Tracking Method With Rank Constraint IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(2019), 4178 - 4188. 27. Huan Ma, Guofa Cai , Yi Fang , Jinming Wen, Pingping Chen and Saleem Akhtar. A New Enhanced Energy-Detector-Based FM-DCSK UWB System for Tactile Internet, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(2019), 3028 - 3039. 26. Huanmin Ge, Libo Wang, Jinming Wen* and Jun Xian. A RIP Condition for Exact Support Recovery with Covariance-Assisted Matching Pursuit, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26(2019), 520-524. 25. Haifeng Li and Jinming Wen*. A New Analysis for Support Recovery With Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26(2019), 247-251. 24. Chao Ren, Haijun Zhang, Jinming Wen, Jian Chen and Chintha Tellambura. Successive Two-Way Relaying for Full-Duplex Users with Generalized Self-Interference Mitigation, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18(2019), 63-76. </p>23. Jinming Wen, Keyu Wu, Chintha Tellambura and Pingzhi Fan. Closed-Form Word Error Rate Analysis for Successive Interference Cancellation Decoders, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(2018), 8256-8267. 22.Jinming Wen, Huangke Chen and Zhengchun Zhou. An Optimal Condition for the Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm, IEEE Access, 6(2018), 38179 - 38185.
21. Huanmin Ge, Jinming Wen and Wengu Chen. The Null Space Property of the Truncated $\ell_{1-2}$-Minimization, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 25(2018), 1261-1265. 20. Jinming Wen, Chao Ren and Arun Kumar Sangaiah. Energy-Efficient Device-to-Device Edge Computing Network: An Approach Offloading Both Traffic and Computation, IEEE Communications Magazine,56(2018), 96-102.19. Lanping Li, Jinming Wen, Xiaohu Tang and Chintha Tellambura. Modified Sphere Decoding for Sparse Code Multiple Access, IEEE Communications Letters, 22(2018), 1544-1547.
18. Jinming Wen, Li He and Fumin Zhu. Swarm Robotics Control and Communications: Imminent Challenges for Next Generation Smart Logistics, in IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(2018), 102-107. 17. Zhengchun Zhou, Dan Zhang, Tor Helleseth and Jinming Wen. A Construction of Multiple Optimal ZCZ Sequence Sets with Good Cross-Correlation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(2018), 1340-1346.16. Fengyan Wu, Dongfang Li, Jinming Wen, Jinqiao Duan. Stability and convergence of compact finite difference method for parabolic problems with delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation 322: 129-139 (2018)
15. Bin Qian, Xiaokang Wang, Jinming Wen, Shengli Zhang, Changsheng Chen. Novel Intersymbol Interference Cancellation Scheme to Enable Parallel Computational and High-Performance Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling. IEEE Access 5: 24758-24765 (2017)14. Jinming Wen and Xiao-Wen Chang. GfcLLL: A Greedy Selection Based Approach for Fixed-Complexity LLL Reduction, IEEE Communications Letters, 21(2017), 1965-1968.
13. Jinming Wen, Jian Wang and Qinyu Zhang. Nearly Optimal Bounds for Orthogonal Least Squares, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(2017), 5347-5356.
12. Jinming Wen and Xiao-Wen Chang. Success Probability of the Babai Estimators for Box-Constrained Integer Linear Models, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(2017), 631-648. Highly Cited Paper11. Jinming Wen, Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaohu, Tang and Qun Mo. A Sharp Condition for Exact Support Recovery with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(2017),1370-1382. Highly Cited Paper
10. Jinming Wen, Jie Tang and Fumin Zhu. Greedy Block Coordinate Descent under Restricted Isometry Property, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, 22(2017),371-376.
9. Jie Tang, Daniel K. C. So, Arman Shojaeifard, Kai-Kit Wong and Jinming Wen. Joint Antenna Selection and Spatial Switching for Energy Efficient MIMO SWIPT System, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(2017), 4754-4769.
8. Jinming Wen, Zhengchun Zhou, Dongfang Li, Xiaohu Tang. A Novel Sufficient Condition for Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Communications Letters,21(2017), 805-808.
7. Jinming Wen, Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow and Xiao-Wen Chang. An Efficient Algorithm for Optimally Solving a Shortest Vector Problem in Compute-and-Forward Protocol Design, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(2016), 6541-6555.
6. Jinming Wen, Chao Tong and Shi Bai. Effects of Some Lattice Reductions on the Success Probability of the Zero-Forcing Decoder, IEEE Communications Letters, 20(2016), 2031-2034.5. Jinming Wen, Dongfang Li and Fumin Zhu. Stable Recovery of Sparse Signals via $L_p$-Minimization, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 38(2015), 161-176. Highly Cited Paper
4. Dongfang Li, Chengjian Zhang and Jinming Wen. A note on compact finite difference method for reaction-diffusion equations with delay, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (2015), pp. 1749-1754.
3. Xiao-Wen Chang, Jinming Wen and Xiaohu Xie. Effects of the LLL reduction on the success probability of the Babai point and on the complexity analysis of sphere decoding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59 (2013), pp. 4915-4926.
2. Jinming Wen, Xiaomei Zhu and Dongfang Li. Improved Bounds on the Restricted Isometry Constant for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Electronics Letters, 49 (2013), pp. 1487-1489.
1. Chao Tong, Jun Li and Jinming Wen. A polynomial time algorithm for a variant of shortest vector problem with applications in compute-and-forward design, to appear in Cluster Computing.Conference Publications
12. Jinming Wen, Xiao-Wen Chang and Jian Weng. Improved Upper Bounds on the Hermite and KZ Constants, ISIT 2019, 1742-1746. 11. Jinming Wen and Wei Yu. Exact Sparse Signal Recovery via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with Prior Information, ICASSP 2019, 5003--5007. 10. Qizhen Li, Jie Gao, Jinming Wen, Xiaohu Tang, Lian Zhao and Limin Sun. SMDP-based Downlink Packet Scheduling Scheme for Solar Energy Assisted Heterogeneous Networks, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, 268-273. 9. Jinming Wen. Some Properties of Successive Minima and Their Applications, ISIT 2018, pp. 686-690.8. Jinming Wen, Xiao-Wen Chang and Chintha Tellambura. On the Success Probability of the Box-Constrained Rounding and Babai Detectors, ISIT 2017, pp. 526-530.
7. Jinming Wen, Lanping Li, Xiaohu Tang, Wai-Ho Mow and Chintha Tellambura. An Efficient Optimal Algorithm for Intger-Forcing Linear MIMO Receivers Design, ICC 2017, pp. 1-6.
6. Jinming Wen, Keyu Wu and Chintha Tellambura. A Closed-Form Symbol Error Rate Analysis for Successive Interference Cancellation Decoders, ICC 2017, pp. 1-6.
5. Jinming Wen and Xiao-Wen Chang. A Linearithmic Time Algorithm for a Shortest Vector Problem in Compute-and-Forward Design, ISIT 2016, 2344-2348.
4. Jinming Wen, Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaohu, Tang and Qun Mo. A Sharp Condition for Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Signals with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, ISIT 2016, 2364-2368.
3. Jinming Wen and Xiao-Wen Chang. A modified KZ reduction algorithm, IEEE ISIT 2015, pp. 451-455.
2. Jinming Wen, Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow and Xiao-Wen Chang. Compute-and-Forward Protocol Design Based on Improved Sphere Decoding, IEEE ICC 2015, pp.1631-1636.
1. Chao Tong, Jianwei Niu, Jinming Wen, Zhongyu Xie and Fu Peng. Weighted Label Propagation Algorithm for Overlapping Community Detection, IEEE ICC 2015, pp. 1238-1243.
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